Friday, February 20, 2009

Times are tough!

You know times have been tough here lately! If you've been in the job market at all, you realize that it "ain't no picnic" podner! I remember back before 9-1-1, I was working computer consulting contracts back-to-back. These were lucrative and easy to come by. Then "poof", 9-1-1. All of a sudden, folks get all weird about buying and the computer market goes South! Nobody is hiring, companies are laying off, and the guys who are getting "the boot" are becoming independent "consultants". You guessed it! "Hey! That's my job!" So, a beginning to a lul in my market began.

Just a couple of years ago, the computer market started to pick back up. Folks were getting over their fears (though I still can't figure what they were all about), and companies were "hiring" once again. One problem. Now, companies are using the very devices I've been supporting - computers - to filter and weed out their resumes "before they ever see them"! This is bad for me because the past several positions I've had were "put food on the table" positions, not necessarily in keeping with my skills or expertise. How did that affect me? My resume indicates that I don't have much "recent" experience in my career field!
Bottom line: I don't "make the cut" ... they never - see - my - resume!!

I realized that I had to think "out-of-the-box" and go for something else. Now, I'm an admissions clerk at the local hospital. I work the E.R. on some of the most unusual shifts I've ever worked ... but I'm getting paid! Oh, it's not my "IT pay" that I'm used to, but it beats drawing unemployment, and I'm thankful ... very, very thankful!

In The Old West:
When times got tough in the days of the Old West, a man had to do what a man had to do! Sometimes this meant getting a job working at helping a neighbor with his crops, or his cattle. Sometimes you hired on as a ranch hand on a neighboring ranch. And sometimes, if you really needed the money, you would ride into town and get a job. Perhaps a "sheriff" job? Of course now a days you have to go through all sorts of rigorous training, both physical and intellectual, to make sure you know the job. Back then, well, a sheriff didn't always last that long, so they weren't real picky ... if ya' know what I mean.

So what's different? Not a great deal, really, except that a man had a larger set of alternatives "then". He could hunt for their food. You could build things using the trees and such off of your land, and you could grow your own crops. You really did not have any need for things that would incur debt ... or did you?

Sadly enough, many times a new landowner had a "mortgage", much like what we all have on our homes today! A mortgage requires that you have money - denero, mula, cash-o-la? Know what I mean? There were regular "payments", just like we have now. And if these were not met, there was foreclosure, just like there is now.

So, was it better? Not really. What would have made it better would be if we were 'debt free', and didn't owe 'anyone' for our belongings! But then today, that is also a blessing! If you actually own your home, and your cars, and have no debt on them, then you have opened up a wide range of options for job opportunities that you can't consider otherwise ... because they don't pay enough.

Summary? Or as they'd say back then, "Hey Rich! Quit your jawing and get to the point!"

My point is this: God had it right all along. Owe no man nothing, except to love him.

If we would apply this, we would be more solid, less fearful, and less "trapped" by the trends and changes of the times. Is this easy? By all means, "No!" But then the walk of the righteous is never "easy". Oh Jesus said our yoke would be easy, and our burden light, but can you guess why? It's because you don't owe anyone ... any thing! You are ... debt free!

Make that your new goal!
... and make me proud!