Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Those Were The Good Ole Days!

I was working out tonight at the LIFETIME Fitness Center here in Austin Texas, and there was something different about the night. I was awful 'reflective' about stuff, ya' know? I began to look, as I'm starting off on my walk - gotta keep that heart rate up to keep in shape ... oh yeah, I began to look around at all the folks on these treadmill contraptions, and I began to ponder on how much man has changed!
(that's "me" up on the LIFETIME Fitness' Rock Climbing Wall!)

God has got to be somewhat proud when He looks at us! I mean after all, we came from a garden! We started walking barefoot and wearing nothing ... I mean nothing at all! We were naked! Now look at us! Each person here has their own style. That guy over there has dreadlocks ... now these look really cool on some folks. On others, well, it makes me check to see that I've got my sidearm handy! Anyway, some folks have got one hairstyle, or another ... this guy over here is wearing his style, she's wearing her style, that lady over there ... they've all got their own personal style in the gym bag they bring, the shoes they choose, the shorts they wear, their shirt, etc. and some even have a bandana on their heads! Now there's something that I can relate to - Indians!

Anyway, I look at these machines that we get on ... they're just plain fantastic! I set mine for "weight loss" ... (hold your remarks, please) it asks me how much I weigh, how old I am, how long I think I can stand it on this thing, and what my target heart rate is! Now there's something you can shoot at! I set my heart rate at 131, and my speed at a mere walk to town ... 2.5 mph, and we're off! This thing begins to increase my incline to get my heart rate up. You see, I've set mah pace, so all it's gotta do is make the hill I'm walking up steeper, or not so steep, 'til my heart rate gets to what these things call the "target zone". That's the ... (how did the Chief used to say that?) oh, yeah, the "happy hunting grounds"! That's where ya' begin to get a real workout! Your heart begins to pound in your chest, your arteries and veins begin to swell as the blood flows, and your body get's a workout!

I think back as to what it must've been like in the older times, what with all the living outside o' town 'n all. A good workout was loadin' up a few bales of hay into the wagon for the cows in the North pasture, or mending some fence the hard way - by doin' it yourself! A good workout was chasing down a horse you forgot to tie off when you dismounted, or finishing the repairs on the barn you've been meanin' t' do for months! You never had time to hop into your auto-mo-bile and fly off down the road to some place to work out! You'd had enough workout already, come supper time!

And think of all the things that this one machine does! It figures all your information, regulates the inclines to make sure you're getting a good workout, counting up the distance you've walked, and even counting the calories you've burned during your exercise! Like you'd know how many were good or not anyhow, huh!

But, we've come a long ways since the "good ole days" when life was simpler, things were not as fast-paced. Stress, for instance, was figuring out how you're gonna make sure you hit that rattlesnake on the first shot! (the one you didn't see when you stepped into the barn) I must admit, with all these modern contraptions we all enjoy, I think I'd still trade it all for a ranch out in the country, and hot cup of coffee on the front porch at the end of the day, as I sit there on my own porch and enjoy the quiet, whilst I watch the most beautiful sunset ever just take place right there before me! Yep, those were the good ole' days!

Oh well, it's time t' hit the hay!

Don't forget to bring in some extra wood for the cookstove, to make breakfast in the morning.
Make me proud!