Thursday, May 21, 2009

Announcement: A New Column

Folks, I plan to continue with WRITINGS OF A COWBOY, and will mostly like begin to post to this on a weekly basis. I have up to now, been learning the "blog world" and how it works. There are registrations to do, domains to build, websites to create, profiles and info to make available, and then you've got to push these references all out to the search engines! It's "work"!

Nevertheless, I've come up with a new topic for the "techie" side of folks ... it's called


When you get a minute, go out there and check it out! I've written the first of many articles to follow on the subject of working-at-home, the technologies involved, and virtual or "mobile" computing! I am sure you're gonna love it!

If you ever forget how to get to these, please just go to my website at:

and select on the option "Writer" in the left column. Or you can go there directly by using the URL:

Either of these will get you to my "Writer" page, where you will find the icons on the right column to go to this column or the one on "Going Mobile".

Remember, if you like either one of these, select the link that says you can "follow" these. You will then be notified when a new post comes available!

I appreciate all of you who have been reading the Writings of a Cowboy!
Send me your feedback ... I'd love to hear from you!!

In the Old West:

I would sit down and manually "write" these articles, and then I would have to take them to the local post office and mail them to a publisher. Once there, they would be sent to the printers for preparation, type setting, and publishing!

Ok, ok, there are a few things that are better about today's society and it's technology, but I still hold that a lot of that has been more of a hindrance to man himself than an aid to his development.

Folks, I've got some steaks cooking over the fire and they've gotta be tended to!
Ya'll go out and check out these new articles!

Make me proud!

Written by Richard A. Allcorn
© Copyright 2009 - All rights reserved.

For additional information, please consult the following websites:
Personal website -
Additional posted writings can be found here -